Large flows of cash are invested in digital initiatives. A Forbes study reveals that 84% of companies fail at digital reinventions. Most of these failures are attributed to organisational culture as it has been one of the most significant barriers to change. Organisational culture can be your best ally or your worst enemy. But what is it and how to manage it proactively?

Culture is not clearly defined in the world of business, creating corporate disfunction. We have decoded it and turned it into an innovation management system to aid organisational change and digital transformations. Nicolas De Santis presents the Corporate Vision System®, the tool to define and manage corporate culture as a strategic corporate asset.​

In this Visionary Talks® Show, you will learn:​

+ Pitfalls and barriers to avoid in digital initiatives.​

+ How to manage culture proactively.​

+ The critical components of the organisational culture.​

+ The essential role of long term strategic vision in shaping culture.​

+ How culture shapes governance and mistakes to avoid.​

+ How the various components of the culture affect each other.​

Learn from practical experiences and real case studies of how culture can destroy or create great enterprises.​

Join Nicolas De Santis and expert guests to understand corporate culture and how to manage it for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Join us Thursday 10th of September 2020

London 5 pm | Madrid 6pm | New York 12 pm | San Francisco 9am | Lima 11 pm |


Special Show Guests Include​

Andres Cardo, Former CEO​ Prisa Radio
Andres Cardo has held various C-level positions at PRISA including managing as CEO of PRISA RADIO all the radio assets of PRISA across Spain and Latam. PRISA is the media conglomerate owner of brands such as EL PAIS Newspaper, LOS40 Music Radio and Santillana Education group. ​


Your Show Host

Nicolas De Santis, CEO​​