Media, Publishing and Events

Learn about our media and education activities, including publications, videos and books on business strategy, strategic vision, corporate culture, innovation and brand building.

Corporate Vision®

Our publications are aimed to business leaders who require new insights and foresight on the future of our world. Some of our reports are published in collaboration with other organisations. Our publication The Future of E-ducation: The impact of technology and analytics on the education industry, is published jointly with Silicon Valley in the UK (SVC2UK). Our Superstar Economics publication describes the secret behind how ‘superstars’ achieve their status as high earners in business, entertainment and sport.

Corporate Vision®

Our upcoming book Corporate Vision System® by our CEO, Nicolas De Santis, will be published in mid-2021. The book defines Organisational Culture in a clear way and presents a new framework to manage it. The book will be available in printed form as well as in digital formats via Amazon and other leading booksellers.

Corporate Vision®
Events and Video

Corporate Vision® organises events with business leaders from all over the world to discuss future strategy, sustainability, technology and industry disruption. We also create business educational videos for our strategy workshops and training.