Invent tomorrow

The magic of visioning
the future®.

The magic of visioning
the future®.

What is the Megavision System?

Megavision® is our proven system & journey to futurise companies & teams to generate new industry mega-opportunities that create tomorrow's new disruptive categories & business models.

What is vision?

A corporate vision is a clear strategic understanding of how the future, in all its forms, will change and what the role of the organisation will be in that future.

Futurise your company with Megavision®. Generate mindset change to create and empower super teams and build mega-opportunities.

Aligning Megavision and culture. Generate mindset change to create and empower super teams and build mega-opportunities.

A new Megavision® requires a new mindset about the future, new habits and new skills. Using our Megavision Matrix® tool, we link Megavision® implementation priorities with pre-identified strategic, organisational, cultural and behavioral performance indicators and initiatives, guaranteeing personal and group support for implementing the new Megavision®.

A new Megavision® requires a new mindset about the future, new habits and new skills. Using our Megavision Matrix® tool, we link Megavision® implementation priorities with pre-identified strategic, organisational, cultural and behavioural performance indicators and initiatives, guaranteeing personal and group support for implementing the new Megavision®.

A strategy without a Megavision® of the future is just a forecast.

The absence of a clear visioneering process prevents many organisations from integrating ‘the future’ early enough into their strategy, culture, governance, and decision-making, leading to a great loss of corporate opportunities and financial and social value.

A strategy without a Megavision® of the future is just a forecast.

The absence of a clear visioneering process prevents many organisations from integrating ‘the future’ early enough into their strategy, culture, governance, and decision-making, leading to a great loss of corporate opportunities and financial and social value.

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Envision the impossible®.
Our Megavisioning tools and process pivot people, companies and cultures into the future

A Megavision® futurises your company to lead your industry and beyond.
We provide a massive competitive time advantage by creating unique future Megavision® industry concepts.

Drive and accelerate disruptive innovation across the organisation.
The Megavision® will align the organisation with future technologies, new business models and value propositions that become future potential growth engines. Reduce costs and waste thanks to Megavision® innovation efficiencies, not cost-cutting exercises.

Generate powerful emotions with a powerful Megavision® that provides clear purpose.
Create and build amazing products, brands & experiences for customers and stakeholders. Communicate the amazing Megavision® journey, purpose and values.

Build Super Teams. Culture will not eat strategy for breakfast with a Megavision®.
Create a future based leadership mindset, purpose and values that are contagious and inspire people and teams to innovate and perform to execute the Megavision®.

Inventing tomorrow
Our proven visioning tools and process deliver big results

A futurised company to lead your industry and beyond.
We provide a massive competitive time advantage by creating unique future industry concepts.

Drive and accelerate innovation across the organisation.
The Corporate Vision will align the organisation with future technologies, new business models and value propositions that become future potential growth engines. Reduce costs and waste thanks to innovation efficiencies.

Generate powerful emotions with a powerful vision and purpose.
Create and build amazing products, brands & experiences for customers and stakeholders. Communicate the amazing visionary journey, purpose and values.

Build Super Teams. Culture will not eat strategy for breakfast.
Create a future based leadership mindset, purpose and values that are contagious and inspire people and teams to innovate and perform to execute the vision.

Powerful Megavisions create mega opportunities.

By providing actionable foresight, we provide a future innovation road-map and corporate philosophy that boosts strategy, culture, governance, sustainability and performance. We provide our clients with a five to ten-year advantage over competitors by anticipating challenges, mega opportunities and industry paradigm shifts.

Powerful Megavisions create mega opportunities.

By providing actionable foresight, we provide a future disruptive innovation road-map and corporate philosophy that boosts strategy, culture, governance, sustainability and performance. We provide our clients with a five to ten-year advantage over competitors by anticipating challenges, mega opportunities and industry paradigm shifts.

We provided IBERDROLA / SCOTTISH POWER with a long-term Megavision® and created a brand & commercial strategy to support it to become the global leader in renewable energy.

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We provided IBERDROLA / SCOTTISH POWER with a long term vision and brand strategy to become the leader in renewable energy.

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Megavision® provides strong purpose and clear values.

Our Megavision® projects deliver a renewed sense of purpose for the organisation that energises people and teams. As part of the Megavision® journey we co-create with our clients new powerful values that clarify and support innovation, progress and the right behaviours to build and deliver the Megavision® of the organisation.

Megavision® provides strong purpose and clear values.

Our Megavision® projects deliver a renewed sense of purpose for the organisation that energises people and teams. As part of the Megavision® journey we co-create with our clients new powerful values that clarify and support innovation, progress and the right behaviours to build and deliver the Megavision® of the organisation.

Megavisioning® the future requires unique tools, skills and the magic of imagination!

Navigating complexity to create a Megavision® requires powerful tools and expertise that reduce uncertainty and guarantee strategic foresight. Using our GLOGO® tool, we monitor and navigate global complexity and synthesize what's truly important about your future to create a Megavision® that captures a unique space in your industry and beyond.

Visioning the future requires unique skills.

Navigating global complexity and visioning the future requires powerful tools and expertise that reduce uncertainty and guarantee strategic clarity. Using our GLOGO® foresight tool we monitor and navigate global complexity and synthesize what's truly important about your future to create a corporate vision that captures a unique space in your industry and beyond.

Our time machine to navigate the sustainable future.

We live in a VUCA environment (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity). GLOGO is an innovative foresight system to monitor change and anticipate events. GLOGO provides our clients with the ability to think exponentially, identify meta-trends, discover emerging paradigms and future governance risks and opportunities.

Our time machine to navigate the sustainable future.

We live in a VUCA environment (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity). GLOGO is an innovative foresight system to monitor change and anticipate events. GLOGO provides our clients with the ability to think exponentially, identify meta-trends, discover emerging paradigms and future governance risks and opportunities.

Sustainability equals great business.

Our Megavision® projects make sure organisations include sustainable development as part of their future strategies and cultures to maximise opportunities and reduce risks while playing a key role in the progress of humanity.

Sustainability equals great business.

Our Megavision® projects make sure organisations include sustainable development as part of their future strategies and cultures to maximise opportunities and reduce risks while playing a key role in the progress of humanity.

The best way to predict the future is to create it.

The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Client story

Anticipating the future of energy.

Learn more →

Client story

Future of drinks.

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Client story

Building a nation.

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From abroad: +44 121 288 1210