Brand Studios

Megavision® the future.
Win the brand wars.

Megavision® the future.
Win the brand wars.

Brands exist only in one place. People’s minds.

The way people experience brands has radically changed. The fight for people’s attention and mind space has intensified exponentially in our digital world. We call this scenario the BRAND WARS®.

Brands exist only in one place. People’s minds.

The way people experience brands has radically changed. The fight for people’s attention and mind space has intensified exponentially in our digital world. We call this scenario the BRAND WARS®.

Our Megavision® projects create Megabrands.
We help you win in the BRAND WARS.

Our Megavision® projects create Megabrands.
We help you win in the BRAND WARS.

We know the processes of how brands are built in peoples minds and imaginations. We use this crucial expertise to create, position and build brands with powerful visionary narratives and strategies that cut through the noise of today’s busy world.

Love at first sight. Megavisions® create powerful emotions.

We design and create brands to be an integral part of your vision, culture and business model, communicating a future that creates a strong emotional connection and engages all your stakeholders to action.

Love at first sight. Create emotions.

We design and create brands to be an integral part of your vision, culture and business model, communicating a future that creates a strong emotional connection and engages all your stakeholders to action.

Creating unforgettable brand experiences.

De Santis® has decades of experience in creating and managing the most iconic brands in the world. De Santis® Studios is our creative and experiential unit composed of a global team of strategists, artists, designers and technical professionals building new ways of creating and experiencing brands, products, environments, media and entertainment.

Creating unforgettable brand experiences.

De Santis® has decades of experience in creating and managing the most iconic brands in the world. De Santis® Studios is our creative and experiential unit composed of a global team of strategists, artists, designers and technical professionals building new ways of creating and experiencing brands, products, environments, media and entertainment.

Brand services.

Brand strategy | brand portfolio management | brand graphic design | packaging design | environmental design | naming & nomenclature development | brand architecture | brand valuation | IP valuation | licensing strategies | content strategy | nation branding | advertising concepts | internal communications | sonic branding | music production | rapid prototyping | sensory experiences | event productions |

Client story

Megavisioning® the future of energy.

Learn more →

Client story

Megavisioning® the future of service stations.

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Client story

Megavisioning® a brand's future.

Learn more →

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To receive information on our services, fill out the request form with your information and a De Santis® team member will be in touch with you shortly. Your information will not be shared and will remain confidential.

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Call Us :
From UK 0121 288 1210
From abroad: +44 121 288 1210