Corporate Vision® is a London based visioning, innovation and creative company working with global brands, companies and start-ups to redefine the future of their sectors, customers and products. Working with our clients, we drive visionary leadership and align their strategies, business models, brands and organisational cultures with the sustainable future. Working with us, executives, companies and organisations learn new practical management tools and innovation skills that create a future oriented global mindset and entrepreneurial culture.

Corporate Vision® is led by strategists, innovators, entrepreneurs, creatives and a global network and ecosystem of experts, scientists, technologists and organisations that are working in the crucial areas and models that will define the sustainable future of our world.

We use our Corporate Vision®Programme and tools to develop and align four crucial components of strategy and organisational development:

+ Strategic Visioning

+ Brand and Comunications

+ Business Model Innovation

+ Cultural and Organisational Alignment


Our clients face extreme global change and complexity as well as their own organisational complexity. We know how to manage both. We are system thinkers that provide solutions and practical frameworks to develop and manage strategy, governance, innovation and organisational culture. As an innovation THINK TANK, we have an active R&D practice developing new management theories and practical tools for our clients to co-create and design the future with us. Here are some of our tools used by corporate boards, management teams and their organisations:

Corporate Vision®Programme
A systematic approach to re-invent brands, business models, organisations and their cultures.


Corporate Vision System™
A tool that defines corporate vision and culture to diagnose the preparedness of your company to lead in the future.

Global Governance Monitoring System
A tool that organises planet earth into 8 global areas to help our clients navigate future complexity to identify defining meta-trends and develop future scenarios and strategies.


Since the 1970’s, from their base of San Francisco, Madrid and London, Eduardo and Nicolas De Santis have been innovation pioneers, working and developing the future of global iconic brands including Disney, Coca Cola, British Airways, Santander, General Electric, la Caixa, Levi’s, Iberdrola and hundreds more across the world.

In the 1990’s corporations were facing the new challenges created by the faster speed of technological change and of accelerated globalisation. This scenario required a more structured approach to envision the future, innovate brands, business models and corporate culture. Our founders quickly saw a void and envisioned a new service where the synergies of consulting, learning, creativity and innovation could deliver faster organisational change. They registered the brand Corporate Vision® and started to research and develop novel tools and frameworks to help companies develop strategic vision, advance business models and implement rapid and positive cultural change. Today, Corporate Vision® continues to innovate providing corporations, organisations and start-ups with the services, skills and tools to thrive and create the exponential future.